Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pine Cove 2009

So I think most of you know that I love Pine Cove Camps. I have spent a fair share of my time there each summer and each year have grown fonder and fonder of that place in East Texas. Last summer I got the amazing privilege to be a Baby Ruth (The discipleship program for girls who have just graduated high school). This fall I was able to apply to be on summer staff as a counselor. 

I found out yesterday that I am working at the Towers. It is the 2nd-5th grade camp. I was glad to hear from them, but Towers was not my first choice. I really wanted to be at the Shores, the high school camp and honestly it was hard to let go of that (actually I'm still working on it). As hard as it was, I have an amazing peace about being at the Towers and being given the opportunity to love and share Jesus with elementary aged kids. 

I really think that this summer is going to be fantastic. Very strenuous and growing. I am nervous and scared, but I know that this time next year I am going to be thrilled that I was able to have this opportunity. I am just praying that the Lord will truly use me to impact this little kiddo's lives. What a blessing, I mean really how much more purpose can a girl want? I get to spend 5 weeks telling precious kids about the love that Jesus has for them. 


About Me

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Hi friend! I'm Lauren, a Senior at Texas A&M University finishing my degree in Communications and English. I hope you enjoy this random "mish-mash" I call my blog.