Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Ulitmate

So, I have recently made an observation, that I would like opinions on:

I hear people say "they got married... and then lived happily every after."

Is marriage what we are suppose to be waiting for? (this is really a rhetorical question)

Does life and happiness start with being married?

I am just finding it hard to believe, that God would put that kind of limitation on a life. 

Just my opinion. Let me know what you think.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Beaten, Bruised and Finding God in it All.

I am so tired... I feel pretty beaten up, I mean can't you tell I am writing this at 3:45 in the morning. I am trying to find what it means to allow the Lord to "carry you" and to for Him to take over your life. I guess I am struggling with all the of "Christian lingo," what do these words mean? What does it look like to be "consumed" and how does that happen? I may just be writing this out of frustration and exhaustion, but geee whiz... I am wrestling. 

Jacob wrestled with God, and God did 2 things:

a. put him in his place
b. blessed him and allowed him more opportunities to glorify our Lord and Savior

So, put me in the ring... It's time to wrestle. 

About Me

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Hi friend! I'm Lauren, a Senior at Texas A&M University finishing my degree in Communications and English. I hope you enjoy this random "mish-mash" I call my blog.