Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week 6

So, my first week of camp ended less than 24 hours ago and the next week begins in about 2 hours. Time here flies on the weekends and it is a challenge at times to get recharged. 

I had a great week full of wonderful 2nd and 3rd graders, lots of yelling, pool time and blistered toes. Totally worth it though!

I had a 2nd grader named Morgan who is a total fireball. So much fun and takes DAYS to tie her shoes, but it didn't matter. Being here is not about me or my time, it's about this....

It's about getting to be the first one to know that she has decided to accept Jesus into her heart and getting the privilege of helping her tell her parents. It was such an honor. Her dad cried and spun her around. Those are the moments that you could care less about how long it took her to tie her shoes. That's what being here is all about... Loving on kids only because Christ has loved you. 

I could tell you a thousand funny stories about what they say, but it really doesn't matter. Eternity matters. Hearts matter. 

Here I come Week 7... Father use me.

1 comment:

Dalene said...

Children really are a joy. My Pretty's counselors meant the world to her at Kanakuk, and I know you're having an eternal impact on your girls! They so need someone other than mom and dad to look to. You've been given a very important charge! I'm glad you're finding Joy!

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Hi friend! I'm Lauren, a Senior at Texas A&M University finishing my degree in Communications and English. I hope you enjoy this random "mish-mash" I call my blog.